About Bookmark Lists

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Bookmark Buddy stores your bookmarks in a simply-formatted text file, essentially a tab-delimited text database. Internet Explorer’s method of storing shortcuts is inherently slow and offers no facility for storing notes; Netscape’s bookmark file can be difficult to edit manually, and cannot be extended; so I came up with a simple, readable format to use instead.

Bookmark Buddy supports any number of different list files concurrently. This effectively gives you another level in the hierarchy above Category. You might have one list for business-related bookmarks, one for leisure bookmarks, and one for applications installed on your computer, and others created for one-off projects. If you are using Bookmark Buddy at home, you can let family members build up their own lists independently.

Each list can hold up to 60,000 items (categories, subcategories, bookmarks, aliases and separators). However if you are getting into the high thousands, you may want to break your bookmark collection into smaller parts, and save each in a separate bookmark list (see Move or Duplicate Items).

You can switch between lists on-the-fly from the File menu or, for the first ten lists, using the Ctrl+<digit> shortcut indicated in the File menu. You can toggle back and forth between two lists with Ctrl+Tab.

If you use more than one computer, you can access a list file over a network, or you can store one copy in a ‘Briefcase’ to keep it synchronized with the master copy.

See also:

Open, Add or Remove a Bookmark List
Import a Bookmark Collection
Save a Bookmark List
Export a Bookmark List
Backup a Bookmark List
Edit a Bookmark List Manually
Move or Duplicate Items