Edit a Bookmark List Manually

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You can edit a bookmark list using a spreadsheet editor (such as Excel) as long as you bear in mind the following:

Do not try to edit a list whilst it is open in Bookmark Buddy (you won’t be able to re-save it).
Do not modify the first line: this contains information needed to maintain the file, as follows:
BMKBUDDY/[file version indicator]/[encryption level indicator]/[last itemID used]/[list identifier]/[encryption hash]
It is best to copy all but the first line of the bookmark list into a blank spreadsheet, then copy and paste back to the bookmark list, leaving the first line intact.
The column headings, contained in the second line of the bookmark list file, should be self-explanatory.
If you add bookmarks, allocate item IDs starting after the number shown in the file header.
The order items are listed is the order they are displayed in Bookmark Buddy.
If the passwords are encrypted, edit or enter these only in Bookmark Buddy.
If the list file is encrypted, do not edit anything!

You are advised as a precaution to save a copy of your bookmark list before you start editing it!

See also:

Save a Bookmark List