Key Features of Bookmark Buddy

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Bookmark Buddy is a highly sophisticated tool for storing and organizing your bookmarks. These are its key features:

Finding bookmarks

Three clicks: category, subcategory, bookmark.
Fast full-text search facility with options to restrict which fields are searched; whether matches are case-sensitive; whether whole or partial word matches are sought.
Show search results as a list or by highlighting.
Filter searches by rating, date and site status.
Refine searches (search within previous search results).
Store searches.
View bookmarks as a list, ordered alphabetically or by date, rating, or number of visits.
Schedule one-off or regular visits to bookmarked sites or documents.
SmartFolders: automatically-maintained aliases to recently visited, recently added, frequently visited, scheduled to visit, and user-selected favorites.

Organizing bookmarks

Add, edit, sort and delete items using intuitive 3-panel interface.
File bookmarks in multiple folders using aliasing.
Move items around using drag-and-drop and mark-and-move.
Check status of (validate) web site bookmarks in the background.
Find duplicates and delete or convert into aliases.
Add separators (optionally with text) to visually subdivide items.
Make items bold.

Bookmark collections

Each collection can contain up to 60,000 items (bookmarks, folders, aliases and separators).
Protect site passwords stored in a bookmark collection using 128-bit Blowfish encryption and a single password.
Protect entire bookmark collections using 128-bit Blowfish encryption.
Instantly switch between bookmark collections.
Move or copy bookmarks between collections.
Export bookmarks to a printable document, web page, spreadsheet, or any other text format using the template-based export facility.
Automatically maintain a 3-stage backup of each collection.
Manually backup using 'Save copy'.
Readily share bookmark lists with other users.

Web browser functionality

Import and export Internet Explorer favorites
Import and export Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox and Yahoo Toolbar bookmarks
Import and export Opera hotlists
Import and export MSN favorites
Import Safari bookmarks
Import AOL and CompuServe 2000 Favorite Places
COM and DDE support for communicating with almost all web browsers.
Drag and drop bookmarks to and from any web browser.
Fetch bookmark from frontmost browser tab or from a list of open browser tabs.
Open bookmark in a new tab or frontmost browser tab (where supported by browser).
QuickLogin: Fill out most log-in pages and windows with a single keystroke.
QuickSearch: enter search terms before loading a web page.
Switch between different web browsers instantly.
Specify which browser to use for a particular bookmark.

Windows functionality

Import and export Start Menu shortcuts.
Open programs, folders and documents.
Open the containing folder of a program or document.
Open folder in 'My Computer' or Windows Explorer-style window.
Use wildcards in document path names: ? (single character) and * (any number of characters).
Drag and drop bookmarks to and from any document.
Copy bookmarks in a variety of text and HTML formats.
QuickLogin: Fill out most log-in windows with a single keystroke.

Types of bookmarks that may be stored

Internet bookmarks/favorites/favourites/address/URLs
E-mail addresses
Newsgroup addresses
Application/program, document and folder shortcuts

Metadata stored with each bookmark

Site log-in names and passwords
Keywords (to aid searching)
Ratings (to aid selection)
Times of last and previous-to-last visits, entry creation and modification, site check and update
Schedule of future site visits
Count of number of visits

High usability interface

Alternative interfaces: ‘Regular’, ‘Organize’ and ‘Compact’
Optional use of Tool Tray
Comprehensive keyboard shortcuts and hot keys
User-selectable font face and size for main window
User-definable color scheme
Optional flat style controls with improved usability


Loads in a snap and uses minimal disk space, memory and resources
Includes comprehensive integrated help notes
Import and export URL Organizer URL lists
Unicode Edition supports mixed, non-Latin character sets
Portable Edition runs off removable media on any (Windows) computer