Behavior Preferences

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To set behaviour preferences, select Preferences from the Application menu.

Use System Tool Tray

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will create an icon in the Windows Tool Tray area.

Start program minimized

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will first start minimized to the Task Bar or System Tool Tray. This is most useful if you set Bookmark Buddy to load when you start your computer (see Change Setup after Installation).

Open Internet bookmarks in a new tab by default

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will open an Internet bookmark by default in a new web browser window rather than in the frontmost browser tab. (See Open a URL for more details.)

Auto-minimize on opening bookmark*

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will automatically minimize after opening a bookmark. If you do not check this option, you can achieve the same effect by holding down the Alt key when opening a bookmark; if you do check this option, then holding down the Alt key prevents Bookmark Buddy minimizing.

Open bookmarks with one click on title*

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will open a bookmark with a single click on its title. When in Organize mode or when you have the Notes window open, you will still need to double-click on a title to open the bookmark.

Auto-open unique search matches*

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will automatically open a bookmark if it is the only match found for a search. To search without auto-opening, use the function key F3.

Remember encryption passwords til exit

Normally you have to enter the encryption password each time you open an encrypted bookmark list. Set this option if you only want to enter the encryption password once during a session with Bookmark Buddy. (You can still hide site passwords by clicking on the locked icon in the Notes window).

Always direct typing to search box

Normally when the keyboard focus is on a list box, typing changes the selection to the next item that begins with the letter typed. Set this option if you would prefer typing to be directed to the search box instead.

Do not warn if bookmark list is read-only

If you share a bookmark list concurrently you may want to suppress the warnings that the list is read-only. Note that the read-only status is also reported in the message-line.

Show message-line help

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will display brief help notes in the message line at the bottom of the Regular/Organize mode window. The notes describe the functions of such things as buttons and menu items. The note shown corresponds to the button the mouse is hovering over or the currently highlighted menu item.

Keep window at front*

You can choose, separately for the two window sizes, whether Bookmark Buddy stays in front of all the other windows even when you are not using it. (You can always minimize all the windows.)

Auto-dock Notes window**

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will always try to display the Notes window next to the main program window. If there is not room to display it where you choose (at the side or below), then it will move to where there is enough space.

You can also choose whether the Notes window extends horizontally or vertically.

Auto-hide Notes window**

If checked, Bookmark Buddy will automatically hide the Notes window when you select an item that does not have a note or log-in associated with it.

QuickLogin delay

Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the delay before sending the login name and password to another application. If you find that sometimes QuickLogin doesn’t work properly (nothing appears or something appears but in the wrong place), try increasing the delay until it works for you.

*These options are also available on the main program window’s context menu (accessible by right-clicking on any inactive or background area).

**These options are also available on the Notes window’s context menu (accessible by right-clicking on any inactive or background area).

See also:

Presentation Preferences
Change Setup after Installation