Bookmark Buddy - favorites organizer and login manager in one
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Unless indicated otherwise, these questions & answers also apply to URL Organizer 2.



How do I import bookmarks from Firefox 3?


Bookmark Buddy v.3.6.5 or later can import bookmarks directly from Firefox v.3.

If using URL Organizer 2, you need to follow this two-step process:

First, export your bookmarks from Firefox:

  1. From the Bookmarks menu select Organize bookmarks.
  2. From the Import and Backup menu select Export HTML.
  3. Remember where you saved the exported bookmarks.

Second, import your bookmarks into Bookmark Buddy:

  1. From the File menu select Import.
  2. Select Netscape/Firefox/Mozilla bookmarks as the Format.
  3. (Ignore the file that is selected by default: this is your Firefox v.2 bookmarks file and will be out of date.)
  4. Click on the ... button after the File/folder edit box.
  5. Navigate to the bookmarks file you saved earlier.
  6. Set any other options you require.
  7. Click the Import button.

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