Bookmark Buddy - favorites organizer and login manager in one
Quickly find your bookmarks
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Quickly find your bookmarks

Bookmark Buddy offers several ways to find your bookmarks again:

Three clicks and you're there: category, subcategory, bookmark (and since you can file a bookmark in more than one place you don't have to guess which category-subcategory you would have chosen when you filed it).

Free-text search: type a few letters of the bookmark title, press Return and anything that matches is instantly highlighted. Add keywords to bookmarks to improve the accuracy of text matches.
Search Bookmark List windowAdvanced search: Choose which fields to search, and how. Filter search results, or all your bookmarks, by rating, various dates or site status. View search results as a separate list and/or highlight search results within the main list.

Scan through bookmarks in List View

See search results, marked bookmarks, or your entire bookmark ordered by title, rating, address, dates or status.

List View window

SmartFolders: sites you've recently visited or added, sites you visit frequently, sites you've scheduled to visit, and sites you've selected as favorites are all immediately accessible in Bookmark Buddy's SmartFolders. Once you've been using Bookmark Buddy for a short while you'll find most of the bookmarks you want are most quickly found in a SmartFolder.
Site Visit Schedule windowScheduler: if you want to return to a site in the future, just once or regularly, set a visit schedule and Bookmark Buddy will, on the appointed day(s), add an alias to the bookmark in the 'Due to Visit' SmartFolder.
Ratings: when you research a bunch of sites, some of them are better than others. Record this when you file the bookmark and you'll know in future which sites are worth trying first.
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